

Micha Orth x Ironman 70.3


MICHA ORTH x IRONMAN 70.3Branded Documentary A middle-distance triathlon known beyond the region's borders takes place in the land of 1000 hills. Micha himself is from Kraichgau. He is taking part in the IRONMAN 70.3 KRAICHGAU powered by KraichgauEnergie for the second time. And it is known for one thing above all: its bike course. [...]

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Verena Marie Balschus


VERENA MARIE BALSCHUSPersonal Project Verena Marie Balschus is an art teacher and freelance artist. She is interested in themes of change and diversity as well as body (forms). Her art creates an opening, loving view of the hidden. She uses different techniques such as (linocut) printing, collage, painting and experiments with materials and space. Personal [...]

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